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Training - Facilitating youth projects - Programme

Exercise 1: Project description Youth leaders
The Manual for description of projects is a form, which people fill out, when they prepare to realize a project.
In the form, you are asked to describe: the idea of the project, the aim of the project, the organization of the project, the network of the project, the promotion of the project, the budget of the project, the financing of the project, the action-plan of the project and how you are going to evaluate the project.
This is a manual, that the youth-worker can give to a group of young people who have a need to describe the project, they are to realize. It is important, that the youth-worker coaches the young people through the work with the different tasks of the project-description

Exercise 2: Project description Youth
Project description for youth is a simpler form of the project description for youth leaders (exercise 1), easier for the youth to understand and complete.
The Manual for description of projects is a form, which people fill out, when they prepare to realize a project.
In the form, you are asked to describe: the idea of the project, the aim of the project, the organization of the project, the network of the project, the promotion of the project, the budget of the project, the financing of the project, the action-plan of the project and how you are going to evaluate the project.

Exercise 3: The Sculpture
The Sculpture is an excellent exercise to use as an introduction to role-plays since you work with body language end expression.
The participants are divided into small groups. They silently sculpture each other into forms that are given by the leader of the exercise, for example happiness, anger, sadness.

Exercise 4: Forum theatre
A forum theatre is a kind of role play where part of the group creates a current problem. The audience interacts in the play by changing the actors in order to try different solutions. The purpose is to inspire each other to find different openings in situations of conflict, and to get some practice for similar situations in the future.
A forum theatre gives the participants possibility to get prepared for situations of conflict concerning choices in life.
In the module this exercise is connected to the part “organization” in the exercise “Project description”. With the help of this role-play the participants will be aware of the problems that might arise in a project organization.

Exercise 5: Marketing the project
When you are working in a project together with young people, it is more a rule than an exception that you will have to involve people outside the internal project organisation. It may be civil servants in the municipality who have to give their consent and maybe act as financiers, the police, headmasters at schools, the press that will write positive articles in the papers etc.
This might be a pitfall in many youth projects since many young people doesn’t dare or doesn’t know how to act in meetings like this, or how to come through with a positive result.
The tool
In this exercise, the youth goes through the proceedings in such a meeting. They will immediately see if they are prepared enough, for example in a meeting with the press. Did the press get so interested in the project, that they are willing to write about the arrangement?

Exercise 6: How do you finance your project?
When realising a project there are usually some costs that has to be covered. It might be rents for premises, wages, costs for decorations, advertisements etc.
But how do you do to find the money?
Let the group do some brainstorming in order to find as many suggestions as possible to finance a project. Write down the ideas, and chose which ideas you want to work with in your specific project.
Make a simple budget for the project.

Exercise 7: Positive evaluation
The “Positive evaluation” is to look at everything that went well in the project, and all the things that should be improved until next time.
At the same time, the tool makes it possible for everyone to talk about the conflicts that might have occurred during the realization of the project in a constructive way.




"Developed with the support of the European Community, within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on its part."