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Skills for success

This exercise serves to show young people that there are skills and competences behind the achievements made and performances given by successful people. It highlights that these skills and competences are transferable between different aspects of life.

The expected learning outcome for youth workers:
- Positive thinking: understood the importance of positive thinking and positive language.
- Awareness of other people: recognise why and when other people are emotional, show empathy and compassion, understand what makes other people emotional, observant and interested in other people, is a good listener, can question and challenge others positively.
- Management of relationships: can calmly interact with other people, can agree to disagree with other people, can take on the role of mediator, show negotiation skills, take on a variety of different roles in relationships.
- Adaptability: adapt easily when things change, see new opportunity in change
- Working with others: supporting the team.
- Leadership : take responsibility for self and others, organise the team, inspire and motivate others, lead by example, achieve targets set.
Building relationships: collaborate and co-operating with others, work with others towards shared goals and aims, trust others and being trustworthy, be effective in small and large groups.

The expected learning outcomes for youth:
- Awareness of own emotions: identify and acknowledge feelings, describe feelings appropriately, recognise the “whys” and “whens” of feelings, understand the link between feelings and behaviour, value oneself and feeling unique, choose to be solution-focused with challenges, open to new ideas, thoughts and emotions.
- Management of own emotions: describe how you feel to others appropriately, have strategies and tools for dealing with emotion, demonstrate assertive behaviour. - Awareness of other people: recognise why and when other people are emotional, show empathy and compassion, understand what makes other people emotional, observant and interested in other people, is a good listener, can question and challenge others positively, take personal responsibility and does not blame others.
- Listening skills: be active in listening to others, listen more than talk , ask appropriate questions to enhance listening process , take turns in conversations.
- Decision-making: identify relevant information, weigh up the options available, decide on an outcome, make that outcome happen.
- Speaking and listening: follow instructions given with little challenge.
- working with others: listening to each other, co-operating with others on activities, making decisions together, tolerating and respecting others, supporting the team.
- Verbal communication/reasoning: justify own opinions, be honest and open, critically assess ideas and contributions, engage in meaningful discussion, reach team agreement, ask good questions to clarify things
- Problem –solving: identify problem fully.
- Leadership: take responsibility for self and others, organise the team, inspire and motivate others, lead by example, achieve targets set.
- Motivation: show commitment to team.
- Own identity: be comfortable with who you are, express yourself and your views and opinions to others.
- Confidence: develop self-confidence and self-belief, develop self-control, act on and take initiative.
- Social skills: behave appropriately in different settings, be comfortable and relaxed in groups of people, use appropriate language, word and body.
- Building relationships: collaborate and co-operating with others, work with others towards shared goals and aims, trust others and being trustworthy, work effectively as part of a team, build friendships effectively, enjoy the company of other people.

Resumé of exercise
The exercise consists of 5 fun workshops, 3 of which should be chosen and facilitated during this session. The workshops provide the opportunity to develop and enhance many skills: teambuilding, communication, problem-solving, creative thinking and enterprise thinking. The 3 workshops you conduct should be chosen based on your target group (needs and ability) and the equipment you can access.
The concluding activity in this exercise is one of reflection - on the group’s performance and the contributions made by individuals.




"Developed with the support of the European Community, within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on its part."