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The Sculpture

The Sculpture is an exercise suitable to use as a preparation before you begin with other role-play exercises. It clearly shows the importance of body language.

Divide the group into pairs. If it is a big group you might split them into groups of three. Explain that one in each group shall act as a lump of clay, ready to be moulded into a sculpture. The other one is the sculptor. If there are three persons in the group, two of them are lumps of clay and one is a sculptor.

Tell the sculptors to form the lumps of clay into different shapes, showing feelings or situations. It shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.

Some examples of different feelings:

  • Love
  • Hate
  • Power
  • Happiness
  • Oppression
  • Friendship

The lump of clay is not allowed to talk and must take the form the sculptor wants it to have. When all the sculptures are ready, the sculptors should walk around and look at one another’s work of art. Ask a few short questions about their opinions of the sculptures. Were they able to see which feelings the sculptors wanted to express?

The expected learning outcome for youth workers
Risk taking : to be open to try new things, to calculate risk effectively.
Team work : to support the team, organise the team, inspire and motivate others
The expected learning outcome for youth
to be open to try new things, to get inspired to take action, to engage in creative group work and activities and see more than one option or solution.

Resumé of exercise
The aim of “The sculpture” is to give the participants a good acting preparation before you begin with other role-plays, and to show them the importance of body language.




"Developed with the support of the European Community, within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on its part."