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Find the person who ...

This is a very good icebreaker for groups of people who do not know each other very well. However in order to manage this activity it is important that the facilitator knows something about each of the participants.

The expected learning outcomes for youth workers:
Awareness of other people : be observant and interested in other people
- Own identity : be comfortable with who you are
- Listening skills : use active listening skills
- Social skills : be comfortable and relaxed in a group of people

The expected learning outcomes for youth:
- Awareness of other people : be observant and interested in other people
- Own identity : be comfortable with who you are
- Listening skills : use active listening skills
- Social skills : be comfortable and relaxed in a group of people

Outline of exercise
Each participant has a piece of paper with statements about the other members of the group but no names. Each member does not know whom each piece of information is about. The members of the group should move around the room asking questions in order to find out whom each statement is about.




"Developed with the support of the European Community, within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on its part."