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The Dream-Travel is a meditative tool that inspires creativity and helps individuals in a group focus on a certain challenge, task or situation. The Dream-Travel is part of Module 1 – “Creativity and youth”

The expected learning outcomes for youth workers:
Working with others: build trust in relationships
Experience with ideas: engage in techniques for creative thinking.
Explain the creative process: identify the creative challenge clearly.
Leadership : organize the team, inspire and motivate others.
Motivation: encourage others.
Social skills: be comfortable and relaxed in groups of people.

The expected learning outcomes for young people:
Independence: work alone.
Risk taking: be open to try new things.
Motivation: being inspired to take action.
Experiment with ideas: devise new ideas from stimulus, engage in new techniques for creative thinking, experiment with ideas in different ways.
Explain the creative process: generate new ideas and/or adapt old ones.
Awareness of own emotions: identify and acknowledge feelings, choose to be solution-focused with challenges, open to new ideas, thoughts and emotions.
Listening skills: be active in listening to others, follow instructions easily first time.
Social skills: be comfortable and relaxed in groups of people.

Resumè of the exercise
Dream-Travel is to be used at the beginning of a work programme. It can be before brainstorm or another session, where people have to be creative.

It gives the instructor the opportunity to help the group focus on a future task.

When working with a large or boisterous group, Dream Travel can be used to calm the group down before the session starts.

The Dream-Travel is an exercise, where the participants lay on the floor with their eyes closed and listen to an instructor. The instructor takes the group on a small journey to nice places and nice landscapes. During the trip, the participants are asked to think about issues related to the tasks that will take place after the Dream Travel.

After finishing the Dream-Travel it is important to have an energetic activity to help the group ‘wake up’ again before work continues.




"Developed with the support of the European Community, within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on its part."