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Rotating Idea Development

The Rotating Idea Development-model is designed to develop and prioritize ideas with groups of between 12 and several hundred people. The model ensures that everyone in a group has the opportunity to contribute to the ideas process.
The Rotating Idea Development is part of Module 1 - “Creativity and youth.”

The expected learning outcomes for youth workers:
Explain the creative process : identify the creative challenge clearly.
Working with others: listening to each other, co-operating with others on activities.
Leadership: organize the team.
Motivation: Show commitment to the team, encourage others.
Awareness of other people: show empathy and compassion, can question and challenge others positively.
Negotiation: respect other opinions and points of view; be clear of your goal.
Social skills: be comfortable and relaxed in groups of people, respect cultural differences between people.
Building relationships: collaborate and co-operate with others, work with others towards shared goals and aims, be effective in small and large groups.

The expected learning outcomes for young people :
Self confidence : develop, express and share clear ideas and views, capable of presenting ideas effectively to others.
Positive thinking: understand the importance of positive thinking and positive language, always think “success”.
Adaptability: adapt easily when things change, see new opportunity in change.
Risk taking: be open to try new things.
Setting goals: set short, medium and long term goals, take responsibility for own choices and future.
Motivation: be inspired to take action, show commitment to the team, and encourage others.
Working with others: participate co-operatively with others, actively collaborate on developing ideas, and take part in creative group work and activities.
Speaking and listening: debate and discuss ideas in small/large groups, explain own ideas and listen to others’ ideas/views, effectively share/present small group ideas to large group.
Experiment with ideas: devise new ideas from stimulus, engage in new techniques for creative thinking, and see more than one option or solution, experiment with ideas in different ways.
Basic mind-mapping of ideas: understand how to map out ideas and thinking, understand how to make connections between ideas, ability to see and understand the “bigger picture”.
Brainstorming and word association: Participate in small/large group brainstorming sessions; understand how to use association to generate idea.
Awareness of other people: can question and challenge others positively.
Own identity: express yourself and your views and opinions to others.
Listening skills: use active listening techniques; ask appropriate questions to enhance the listening process.

Resumé of exercise

The aim of The Rotating Idea Development (RID) is to generate as many ideas as possible as quickly as possible.

It can be ideas for a cultural project, for the contents of a new youth centre, for a youth festival, a party, for a new course or any other situation where good ideas are needed to develop projects or organizations.

The outcome of RID will develop a large ideas catalogue with the young peoples ideas relating to the chosen themes. The ideas will be prioritized by the young people themselves and put into categories.

The programme consists of:

  • Rotating Idea Development
  • Rotating Idea Prioritizing
  • Cross Road
  • Time Circle




"Developed with the support of the European Community, within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on its part."