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Marketing the Project

When you are working in a project together with young people, it is more a rule than an exception that you will have to involve people outside the internal project organisation. It may be civil servants in the municipality who have to give their consent and maybe act as financiers, the police, headmasters at schools, the press that will write positive articles in the papers etc.

This might be a pitfall in many youth projects since many young people doesn’t dare or doesn’t know how to act in meetings like this, or how to come through with a positive result.

The tool
In this exercise, the youth goes through the proceedings in such a meeting. They will immediately see if they are prepared enough, for example in a meeting with the press. Did the press get so interested in the project, that they are willing to write about the arrangement?

Expected learning outcomes/youth workers:
Leadership: to take responsibility for yourself and others, work with others towards shared goals and aims, to trust others and be trustworthy, to be effective in small and large groups.
Adaptability: to adapt easily when things change, see new opportunities in change. Risk taking: to be open to try new things, effectively calculate risk,
Personal responsibility: to understand that actions have consequences, to develop ways of maximising learning.
Motivation: to become inspired to take action.
Speaking and listening: to debate and discuss ideas in groups, explain one’s own ideas and listen to the ideas of other people.

Expected learning outcomes/ youth:
Self confidence: to develop, express and share clear ideas and views, to be capable of presenting ideas effectively to others, to believe in oneself and have a positive self-image.
Positive thinking: to always think “success”
Adaptability: to adapt easily when things change, see new opportunities in change, enjoy and relish change.
Risk taking: to be open to try new things, effectively calculate risk, develop intuition and “gut feeling”
Determination: to be persistent and determined, not giving up!
Decision-making: to identify relevant information, weigh up the options available and make that outcome happen.
Motivation: to become inspired to take action
Personal responsibility: to understand that actions have consequences. Speaking and listening: to debate and discuss ideas in small/large groups, to explain one’s own ideas and listen to the ideas/views of other people, to experiment with ideas in different ways.
Problem-solving: to implement strategies and solutions, develop strategies and solutions and discuss and agree upon these with the team.
Social intelligence: own identity: to be comfortable with who you are, to be comfortable around other people and to know what you believe in,
Negotiation: to respect other points of view and opinions, to realize and accept a disagreement, to know what you strive to achieve, to be prepared to compromise and resolve differences,
To be calm and unhurried, to listen to other people

Resumé of exercise
The aim of the “Marketing exercise” is to give the people in the project the necessary competence when marketing the project to important external people whom they are dependent of in the project.




"Developed with the support of the European Community, within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on its part."