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Youth Work in Progress

How will a success full youth club or youth organisation look in the future?
What competencies and skills will you need to work there?
Have many of those competencies and skills do you posses on a professional level?
Which ones do you need to develop?
How will you do that?

Youth work in progress is the first of the modules in the training programme Yo-Pro.
Like the rest of the modules, it is a two day training course for youth workers.

The module can be used as the starting point if a group of youth workers are to work through all or some of the Yo-Pro modules.

The module can also stand alone as a training programme for youth workers.

It is also possible to use certain exercises from the module to work on with youth workers within their own organisation.

Youth work in progress is about working as a youth worker in times of change.

We encourage participants to think about how young people feel when they meet them.

Participants think about the experiences that have shaped them into the people they are, the people the young people meet.

We analyze the challenges and problems that youth leaders have to deal with when working with young people and we help each other to find solutions and develop good ideas.

We are introduced to learning styles by using a personal test and discussing how best to communicate with young people.
At the end of the module, we suggest what a good youth club or youth organisation will look and be like in the future and what competencies and skills the youth workers will need.

The participants will make a personal judgement about how prepared they are for the challenges of future youth work.

They will rate themselves on each of the competencies and skills that they have stated as important in future youth work.

They will discover the areas they feel strong in and those they need to develop.

They will describe how they are going to develop the competencies and skills which they want to be better at in order to meet the challenge of youth work in the future.

Module Training exercises
Exercise 1: ID card
Exercise 2: Meet yourself
Exercise 3: Challenges and problems in youth work
Exercise 4: Modalities
Exercise 5: The past and future of youth work
Exercise 6: Friendship letter

Module Summary
The result of this module is that the participants know what competencies or skills they want to improve and how they want to do it to live up to the demands of future youth work.

This knowledge makes them know what to focus on if they are to continue with more modules of Yo-Pro or what to focus on, if they are to improve their competencies in their home organisations or on other courses and training programmes.




"Developed with the support of the European Community, within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on its part."