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Training - Mirroring Youth Culture - Aims

The goals of the module are:

  • To awake the youth’s attention by having a inspiring and motivating way of looking at things.
  • The youth’s participation increases because they are a part of, and gets a great responsibility with the work.
  • The youth gets both time and space to express their own thoughts and ideas about the future.
  • The result and product of the wall describe and clearly show the fields of activities and the goals that the youth wants to work towards.
  • The youth leaders are updated about what the youth think about and do in there own neighbourhood.
  1. Youth map

The work refers to making a “map” about how the youth think and feel about their own existence.

  1. Dream vision

The work refers to creating a vision of how to work out the activities.

  1. Deeper look into each theme

The work refers to forming a plan how to achieve the dream vision.

  1. The wall

The work refers to the youth making an installation describing the activities of the upcoming year.




"Developed with the support of the European Community, within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on its part."