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Training - Youth Work in Progress - Aims

The aim of this module is to enable the youth workers to work with youths in such a way so that they become involved in the activity offered by the youth workers at the beginning and next they would become ‘the creators’ of actions and producers rather than consumers. Interactive exercises present rich set of tools that can be used either in youth workers training or can be adapt to youths and used in everyday work with them.

Exercise 1: ID card
The aim of personal youth workers ‘ID card’ session is to introduce people, who are to work together in a group. It is to help build self-confidence to create a team and wake up potentials in the members of a team. It is also an alternative way to present the participants in a group to each other. Exercise 2: Meet yourself

The aim of “Meet yourself” exercise is to let youth workers to reflect on their competences and think which ones may attract youths and which ones put them off. It means that they will have the clear vision in what direction their self-development should go.

Exercise 3: Challenges and problems in youth work
The aim of “Challenges and problems in youth work” is to equip youth workers in tools to deal with the problems they face in everyday work. It is to make them familiar with a role play is a method used to find solutions to the problems in a tentative way. Exercise 4: Modalities

The aim of ‘Modalities’ is to facilitate communication of youths workers with youths and make them listen. To achieve this youth workers are to recognize their own learning styles, test and discuss them. They should become competent in using at least three learning styles: visual – through seeing, auditory – through hearing, kinaesthetic – through touch or physical involvement when communicating with youths.

Exercise 5: The past and future of youth work
The primary aim of ‘The past and future of youth work’ is to learn how to recognise the world of youths, react to its changes and run a club / organisation, attractive to the youths. This part is the main exercise of the module and it consists of series of activities: youth club of yesterday, best practice and good examples, youth club of tomorrow, competencies and skills, how good you are, improvement of competencies and skills.

  • The ‘Youth club of yesterday’ exercise aims to look at changes in the way of spending leisure time of youth and at how youth clubs, youth organisations and youth workers respond to the quick development. It focuses on the past.
  • The ‘Best practice and good examples’ is to find out, what the youth workers did right towards making a success together with the youth. This exercise is going to prepare the participants to think about how to attract young people in the future.
  • The purpose of ‘Youth club of tomorrow’ is to look at “tomorrow”.
  • Activity “Competencies and skill” is designed for looking for competencies, skills, attitudes and so on is needed from the youth workers in the future youth club or youth organisation as well as what kind of working methods do they use.
  • The aim of ‘How good are you?’ is to make youth workers to rate themselves according to how good they are at performing the different competencies and skills and finally, according to the challenges they can meet in the youth club or youth organization of tomorrow. This exercise is also about to find out, which competencies youth workers have got already and which, they have to develop.
  • The aim of last exercise in this session: ‘Improvement of competencies and skills’, is to recognize youth workers competencies and skills which they want to improve. Also, at the end participants make sure, that they have a plan for how, when and where to manage the improvement.

Exercise 6: Friendship letter
The aim of “Friendship letter” is to end the module in a positive way. It means that people look for the best qualities in their colleagues what will allow them to look at the most difficult youth in the same way. Additionally youth workers are to learn how to build friendship effectively and enjoy the company of other people.




"Developed with the support of the European Community, within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on its part."