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Sometimes you give some information or instructions to a group of young people but no matter how loud and clearly you speak, it seems like some of the young people do not understand you.
But how can that be?
A possible answer is that they do not listen with their ears. They “listen” with their eyes! Or with their hands!

We all have different learning styles. These are also called modalities. In this exercise, we work with three different learning styles, visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning.

In this exercise we test our own learning styles to gain an understanding of how we learn ourselves, and to develop methods to optimize our communication with young people.

The expected learning outcomes for youth workers:
Adaptability: adapt easily when things change, see new opportunity in change, enjoy and relish change;
working with others:
participate cooperatively with others, engage in creative group work and activities;
awareness of other people: be observant and interested in other people, be a good listener;
social skills: behave appropriately in different settings, be comfortable and relaxed in groups of people, use appropriate speech and body language

Resumé of exercise
The their own learning styles and helps them develop methods of communications with young people that use all three learning styles.
List of exercises:

  • icebreaker
  • theory + test
  • giving instructions




"Developed with the support of the European Community, within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on its part."