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Skills for success – introductory activity

This exercise from day two of the Personal Development Module serves to show young people that there are skills and competences behind the achievements made and performances given by successful people. It highlights that these skills and competences are transferable between different aspects of life.

The expected learning outcomes for youth workers:
- building relationships: be effective in small and large groups
- working with others: supporting the team

The expected learning outcomes for youth:
- decision-making: identify relevant information, decide on an outcome
- personal responsibility: develop ways to maximising learning
- working with others: actively collaborate on developing ideas
- own identity: express yourself and your views and opinions to others
- listening skills: ask appropriate questions to enhance listening process, take turns in conversations, follow instructions easily and first time

Resumé of exercise
This exercise from day two shows young people that there are skills and competences behind the achievements made and performances given by successful people. It highlights that these skills and competences are transferable between different aspects of life. The aim is to develop their understanding of the relationship between achievements and performances and skills, competences and characteristics. This understanding is then used to focus on their own achievements and performances and the ideas behind them.




"Developed with the support of the European Community, within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on its part."