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Positive evaluation

Expected learning outcomes/youth leaders:
positive thinking:
to understand the importance of positive thinking and positive language, to always think “success”,
Risk taking: to be open to try new things
Personal responsibility: to understand that actions have consequences, to develop ways to maximise learning.
Working with others: to actively collaborate on developing ideas.
Team work: to listen to each other, to make decisions together, to support the team.
Leadership: to lead by example, organise the team.

Expected learning outcomes/youth:
Positive thinking: to understand the importance of positive thinking and positive language, to always think “success”.
Risk Taking: to be open to try new things.
Personal responsibility: to understand that actions have consequences.
Team work: to listen to each other, make decisions together.

Resumé of exercise
The aim of the “Positive evaluation” is to look at everything that went well in the project, and all the things that should be improved until next time.
At the same time, the tool makes it possible for everyone to talk about the conflicts that might have occurred during the realization of the project in a constructive way.




"Developed with the support of the European Community, within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on its part."