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The Cow

The Cow is a pedagogical tool that you with advantage can use in the beginning of the module. It clearly shows the difference between not understanding at all what is in front of you, the insecure, confused feeling connected to that state, and the feeling of well-being when you finally see what you are expected to see.
It is easy to connect “the Cow” with the actual work you are going to begin.

  • When you do not see (do not have the knowledge), it is hard to come up with a good result
  • When you see (have the knowledge), the chance to come up with a good result is so much greater.

Expected learning outcomes/ youth workers:
Leadership: to inspire and motivate others,
motivation: to encourage others.
Listening skills: to be active in listening to others.

Expected learning outcomes/ youth:
Adaptability: to see new opportunities in change, Decision-making: to identify relevant information.
Motivation: to be inspired to take action.
Speaking and listening: to follow instructions given with little challenge, to debate and discuss ideas in small/large groups, to explain one’s own ideas and listen to the ideas/views of other people.
Experiment with ideas: to see more than one option and solution




"Developed with the support of the European Community, within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on its part."